Looking to Adopt A Pet?
National Resources
Lists over 200,000 adoptable animals in shelters across the U.S.
Humane Society of The United States
Helps provide important information when considering adopting a new pet.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
Best Friends Animal Society
Pitbull Rescue Central
Local Resources
Humane Society of Pulaski County
Feline Rescue & Rehome
CARE for Animals
Unchain Your Dog!
Educates people about the cruelty of keeping a dog on a chain
Find a place to volunteer for shelter & Rescue Pets
Information on Spaying & Neutering
Arkansas Based Organizations
Low Cost, Reduced Cost or FREE Spay-Neuter
Programs, Animal Rescues & Shelters in Arkansas
NOTE: Many of the resources listed can be found on Facebook
Low Cost, Reduced Cost or FREE Spay-Neuter Programs
Arkansans for Animals
Operation SAVELittle Rock
11701 Hwy I-30 Little Rock, AR 72209
A full-time clinic in Little Rock—no income or residency
restrictions to participate. Pricing between $20-$65.
Call 501-455-5400 for an appointment
FuRR (Feline Rescue and Rehome)
Little Rock
FuRR sponsors a monthly low-cost, spay/neuter clinic
for cats only at Little Rock Animal Village.
PO Box 250567 Little Rock, AR 72225
For appointment call 501-661-0956
or email saveacat@teamfurr.org.
CARE for Animals, Inc
Central AR Rescue Effort (CARE) for AnimalsLittle Rock
Rescues and rehomes cats and dogs. Operate monthly
spay/neuter clinic at LR Animal Services for low-income
LR residents only. If the pet is not currently vaccinated
against rabies, vaccination will be given free of charge.
Call 501-680-SPAY (7729) to leave a message
or email clinic@careforanimals.org
HQ: 5516 Kavanaugh (Heights Area), LR
501-603-CARE (2273)